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Monday July,2022
mid-year report to donors
Dear generous Donors and Supporters
As you all may know COVID put Athlos on its heels and almost put an end to our dream of founding an organization that is dedicated to helping one of the most disenfranchised people on the planet, the disabled refugees.
Athlos is a very novel and unique idea to give voice to that group by promoting disabled refugee athletes to appear on world stages, and hence be able to tell the story of those like them but without a voice.
The idea started in the mind of a Paralympian war victimized athlete Ibrahim Al-Hussein once he was the Paralympics flag bearer and competed in the Rio Paralympics as a refugee 20016. He saw the fame and media attention it brought him and he then knew he has a tool to tell the stories of many like him.
Athlos was formed in 2019 with Ibrahim as the Athlete Ambassador, but sadly came to a quick halt because of COVID. We managed to keep minimum support for Ibrahim and helped him compete in many international swim competitions and that qualified him for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. After that we revived Athlos, and with the help of many wonderful donors and supporters we were able to start 2022 with great enthusiasm and with the quest to accomplish
our mission.